About Us
Meet the team that dedicated to provide you with dentures that will provide you with a great smile.
Loose dentures can be locked in
This information is for people who are having difficulty wearing their upper or lower dentures keeping them securely and confidently in their mouth. The instance of a loose and uncomfortable lower denture is far greater than that of an upper one. Upper dentures have the advantage to adhere to the roof of the mouth (suction), lower dentures don’t they often just sit there. During eating and speaking a lower denture needs to be manipulated by the tongue and lip and cheek muscles to succeed, many people struggle with developing a good technique. This is why some people can’t bite into an apple whilst others can.
We recommend that 2‚3 or 4 implants are surgically inserted into your jaw bone (usually the lower jaw). This will allow for nylon clips or denture locks to be inserted into the denture which then clip onto the implants. This process will allow for denture to feel tight and secure providing the closest experience to natural teeth.
We refer you to a registered specialist. We work with a prosthodontist as we believe they have a “finely tuned” understanding where best to position the implants. Following a thorough consultation and xrays to determine best outcomes the implants are placed into your jaw bone. These days, with well-developed techniques, this procedure does not take long. In most cases two implants take approximately 1-2 hrs to do. They are buried under the gum line and become invisible to the eye for 12 weeks. This will allow for solid bone integration. After three months the specialist will test the implants and expose them in order to insert metal caps which will then click into specially made denture inserts.
Implants have been provided to young and old, those who may have diabetes or other chronic conditions. The specialist does all necessary investigative processes to insure you are a suitable patient.
We welcome your contact or visit us to discuss this alternative procedure in greater detail. We work as part of a wider dental team to avail you of the best possible outcome.
Meet the team that dedicated to provide you with dentures that will provide you with a great smile.
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